Our Shogyuku 2024 Imperial Ceremonial Grade Matcha has a rich, smooth umami flavor representative of the best matcha in Japan. In order to qualify as Imperial Ceremonial Grade Matcha it must be of the highest quality umami strength with minimum astringency, a beautifully rich green powder and liquor color, a fresh aroma, a smooth, silky texture and it must be made from the best quality spring-harvested tencha. All of these qualities are immediately evident and as an added bonus you will find that this matcha will easily whisk to a beautifully rich froth.
Matcha Shogyoku is produced by the Shogyokuen Tea Factory, the small family owned factory of Hiroshi Kobayashi, an award winning tea master and blender. Kobayashi-san is one of only 13 tea professionals in Japan who hold the top rank of tea appraisal, level 10. Our Matcha Shogyoku is the factory’s best-selling product for practitioners of the Japanese tea ceremony, chado. And it is recommended for both koicha thick tea for formal ceremonies as well as usucha thin tea for more casual gatherings. Each tin contains 40 grams.
Ingredients: Matcha green tea
Origin: Wazuka, Kyoto. Refined in Kyotanabe, Kyoto
Brewing Instructions
Water Temperature: 158-176
Water Quality: Best with Spring Water
Usucha: Amount of Leaf (per 2.3 fl oz water (70 ml)): 2 scoops
Koicha: Amount of Leaf (per 1.3 fl oz water (40 ml)): 3-4 scoops
Number of Infusions: 1
The preparation of matcha is different than any other tea. Because it is ground so fine, you will--obviously--only get one infusion from each cup you prepare. As explained in the Background Tab there are two methods of making matcha, depending upon the occasion and/or your particular taste: thin (usucha) and thick (koicha). Both require special equipment: a matcha bowl (Chawan), a matcha whisk (Chasen), a matcha scoop (chashaku), a matcha sifter (furui) and a linen tea cloth (chakin.)
Preparation of both usucha, and koicha start out the same way. Preheat the matcha bowl by filling it about 1/3 full with hot water. Then place the whisk facing down into the hot water to wet the tips of the prongs (avoid getting the handle wet). Once the bowl has thoroughly preheated, empty out the water and dry the bowl out preferably with a cloth such as a chakin. Set the whisk aside and then measure out the recommended amount of hot water into a measuring cup--(70ml (approx. 2.3oz) for usucha; 40ml (approx. 1.3oz) for koicha-- and leave it to cool to between 158-176 degrees. Use the bamboo scoop to measure about 2 scoops of matcha powder (2-grams) and place it into the bowl. Sifting the matcha into the bowl is advisable as it will remove any clumps of powder. Once the water that was measured out in STEP 1 drops to 70°C(158°F)-80°C(176°F) pour it into the matcha bowl. The water should be just enough to cover the powder. For koicha, pouring the water in two parts (40% and 60%) often produces better results. Here is where the procedure differs.
For usucha: Take the whisk in one hand and hold the rim of the matcha bowl with your other hand and start to whisk the matcha. Whisk briskly using your wrist (not arm). Whisk in a W motion until the matcha has a thick froth with many tiny bubbles on the surface. The matcha is now frothy and ready to drink!
For koicha:The idea with koicha is NOT to make a frothy consistency with a fast whisking action like usucha. Instead, a slower kneading action from left to right, up and down, and a gentle 360 degree rotating action can be used to make a thick consistency. The resulting tea should be reasonably thick, smooth and without froth.