Silver Curls Preparation
Silver Curls is a very flexible tea to prepare. No matter how you infuse it you will have a superb cup of tea. While you can use the same temperature and proportions as you usually would, the optimum time and temperature for the best taste effects are 3 minutes at 185 degrees, which is higher than we normally use for green tea. You may want to play with the leaf to water ratio a bit to achieve your desired result.
Water Temperature: 170-185 degrees
Water Quality: Best with Spring Water with low mineral content
Amount of Leaf (per 6 fl oz water): 1 Tbl. (3 grams)
Steep Time: 2-4 minutes depending upon ratios and personal preference
Number of Infusions: 3
Experimenting with your own temperatures and steeping times is encouraged. Cooler temperatures and shorter times yield more mellow, fruity elements, while hotter water and longer times produce more floral and full-bodied complexities. Always use the best-tasting water you can find, and adjust steeping times, quantity of leaves, and water temperature to your personal preferences.
We highly recommend brewing your tea in a teapot or mug with a removable infuser so that you can remove the leaves at the end of the steeping time. Whole leaf teas of this quality need room to unfurl and expand in the water in order to perform their "magic." If you don't have a removable infuser, you can brew the loose leaves directly in the pot. At the end of the steeping time, pour all of the tea into a warm serving pitcher or pot.