Jasmine Tea Background
Tea scented with jasmine flowers has been a specialty in China since the Song Dynasty over 800 years ago. The Jasmine plant itself is believed to have been introduced to the world in China sometime during the Period of Disunity (220-589).
Jasmine tea is produced using a base of green or white tea. The resulting flavor is subtly sweet and floral. The best jasmine teas come from Fujian Province, although the tea is also produced in Anhui, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shejiang and Sichuan. The quality of Jasmine tea is determined by the quality of tea used as its base and the effectiveness of the scenting. To make scented tea, tea leaves are mixed with flowers until their perfume has been absorbed. The tea is then baked gently in an oven. For high-quality scented teas, the process is often repeated several times to ensure a strong fragrance.
Jasmine tea as an antioxidant has been proved to be effective in weight loss, reducing stress levels and cholesterol, preventing cancer, soothing nerves, fighting against infections, regulating the body’s insulin levels and slowing down the aging process.